
Showing posts from April, 2022

Quality - The Big Picture for You and Your Process, and where SeeSOR Fits In

  Welcome to our 8-week Series!   This is our 1st official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about Quality - The Big Picture for You and Your Process, and where SeeSOR® Fits In. Your Quality Process As contractors, we are always trying to prove that we are the best, that we succeed, and that we provide results for our customers. By doing this, we are all focusing on Quality, whether using written forms, excel worksheets, emails, or some other medium to express our results, and, with improved technology we can make advances in how we document and provide proof of your success.  QC vs QA Since this post’s topic is Quality, we should draw the distinction between Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA). QC is a measurement performed to ensure that the business process is being done correctly, which then should lead to the desired outcome, whereas QA is a system in which the delivery of a service is assessed and compared with that requirement - in other wor