Quality - The Big Picture for You and Your Process, and where SeeSOR Fits In

 Welcome to our 8-week Series! 

This is our 1st official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about Quality - The Big Picture for You and Your Process, and where SeeSOR® Fits In.

Your Quality Process

As contractors, we are always trying to prove that we are the best, that we succeed, and that we provide results for our customers. By doing this, we are all focusing on Quality, whether using written forms, excel worksheets, emails, or some other medium to express our results, and, with improved technology we can make advances in how we document and provide proof of your success. 

QC vs QA

Since this post’s topic is Quality, we should draw the distinction between Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA). QC is a measurement performed to ensure that the business process is being done correctly, which then should lead to the desired outcome, whereas QA is a system in which the delivery of a service is assessed and compared with that requirement - in other words, “Did we achieve the desired outcome?”. 

On the job objectives/processes/inspections

While your on-the-job objectives are determined by the Technical Requirements (the SOW/PWS), the way in which you measure quality against them might not be streamlined. Your operational processes are determined by your plan to profitably meet your objectives, which usually include QC checks. Unless required by customers, most contractors forget about QA until after the fact because quality is so important in a day-to-day job that we focus on QC first and foremost. Your QA inspections are as important as QC since they determine if your process results are meeting, exceeding, or missing your objectives, as well as, tracking the direction or your quality over time - your all-important performance trends. Customers like to see quantitative data and your bosses like to see results in a way in which they can brag about your success. QA inspections are a great way to prove you're the best, and SeeSOR is an industry-leading QA system because it allows you to do all of this and more! SeeSOR is a valuable tool that can add quality checks through inspections, that are automatically scheduled based on findings, and tracked from start to finish all in one system. 

QA, SeeSOR, Quality, QMC, Automated inspection scheduling, Quality Assurance, Technical Requirements, Inspection Plan software, Quality Control Inspections, QMIS, QMS, Quality Monitoring System, Quality Software

How SeeSOR Fits in the Big Picture!

By this point, you're probably asking yourself, “how can SeeSOR fit into my already proven process?” Well, SeeSOR is here to help you streamline the QA process that you already have in place. SeeSOR helps contractors/users track data in real-time, all in one place, while on the job. SeeSOR maintains quality data permanently - no more losing data, or processes when someone leaves. Emails can be lost, spreadsheets can be hard to track, or keep in sync, and file folders are a thing of the past. SeeSORhelps you keep all this data in one place. Also, SeeSOR can be utilized collaboratively with your Customer, sharing QA information and resolving issues together in a true partnership establishing trust and credibility while improving chances for Award Terms, Option execution, and even a win when the contract is recompeted. Everything is done throughout the life of the project/contract rather than just at the end. 

The next post in this series…

Follow us over the next couple of weeks as we walk through how SeeSOR can be an added value QA system for you!  You can expect to see in this blog series how SeeSOR is an intuitive way to track your quality success on all your contracts. We want you to see yourself in the SeeSOR process. Next week's topic will be SeeSOR - the Breakout of your Technical Requirements.

-Danielle Shelton, Business Manager
Published: April 25, 2022


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