
Showing posts from May, 2022

SeeSOR Sharing Data - Effectively, Efficiently, and in Real-time

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 6th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR Sharing Data - Effectively, Efficiently, and in Real-time How SeeSOR allows you to share data Over the last couple of blog posts, you’ve seen us talk about how you can give your clients/customers access to SeeSOR as you see fit. This gives you a huge advantage with open communication in your quality process. Not only do you have the ability to give them access to your contract quality data, but you also have the ability to give them different editing and reporting privileges in SeeSOR. These privileges range from just having the ability to see the data in SeeSOR, to doing inspections themselves and even raising, answering, and addressing corrective action requests (CARs). Now you and your client/customer have a central respiratory for all things Quality. Also, since version control always seems to be an issue at one point or another; in SeeSOR all data is up

Corrective Actions - The “Ugly” that ain't so “Ugly”

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 5th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR Corrective Actions (CARs) - The “Ugly” that ain't so “Ugly” How SeeSOR changes the game for CARs Let's be honest, most of us don’t like the idea of seeing a corrective action come up on something we are doing, but SeeSOR can help you and even your customer change the way you see CARs from here on out. Finding low inspections while in SeeSOR is easy; you can identify these by looking at our data charts or by sorting and filtering your Inspection Results. Finding these issues to start the change process is what Quality Inspections are all about. Of course, you want to brag when you are doing things correctly, but you also should brag when you find weaknesses you can correct yourself too. ASC wants to help you initiate change and track resolutions/comments about the CAR as it is taking place! SeeSOR helps you not only fix the imperfection but document i

SeeSOR - How Inspection Results Help See the Full Picture of Your Success

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 4th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR - How Inspection Results help see the full picture of your success. How do Inspection Results Work Writing adequate Inspection Plans in SeeSOR provides you with a quality check like no other. SeeSOR Inspection Results are the product of your findings after you go out in the field, look at the things that need to be inspected, and report back with the results. With this info SeeSOR allows you to track, trend, and even predict quality results.  When you are ready to do a review/inspection you can report findings directly into SeeSOR and you have the ability to save the inspection as “save in progress,” so you can continue to add attachments and comments even after the inspection is initially done. The actual process of doing inspections allows you to document the quality of your contractual requirements that have been performed. Based on frequencies that you s

SeeSOR Inspection Plans - How you are Already Inspecting the Job

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 3rd official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR Inspection Plans - How you are already inspecting the job. Let’s walk through the SeeSOR inspection plans process   The SeeSOR system allows for detailed inspection plans that are directly written from the requirements listed in the PWS for your contract. Plans are then “weighted” by you based on the relative importance of the PWS requirement. Inspection plans include details on how the requirement/plan should be reviewed for quality (example: was the requirement reported On Time, was it Accurate, and is it Complete?). Frequencies are set in the plan to determine how often the inspection should be performed based on the scoring history for the whole inspection - the better the results, the less often the requirement needs to be inspected! Inspection Plan checklist questions are also weighted because sometimes being accurate is more important than being on t

SeeSOR - The Breakout of your Technical Requirements

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 2nd official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR® - The Breakout of your Technical Requirements. How SeeSOR Tracks your Technical Requirements (such as a PWS or SOW) all in one place SeeSOR stores your PWS in one accessible, searchable place online containing all the Text, Attachments, and Deliverables. With SeeSOR you not only have everything all in one place, but you can even find what you need when you need it! For example, in SeeSOR under Line Items, you can utilize the search bar by typing “repair” and every requirement containing “repair” will display. With the PWS loaded directly into SeeSOR, users can track quality from Inspection Plans that are derived directly from the performance objectives and deliverables. Inspection Plans, Scheduling, Inspection Results, and Corrective Actions Reports (CARs) for a contract are all kept with the PWS in a single module in SeeSOR. What makes SeeSOR so unique an