
QR codes are changing the world

SeeSOR ® has amazing built-in features for our Users to collect and show data! One of these is the Customer Feedback form. What is a Customer Feedback Form in SeeSOR you ask? It's an “Inspection Plan” where the data for the inspection Result is collected from your Customer! A SeeSOR Administrator will set up this inspection plan, but ANYONE with the link to the plan can fill it out - they don't even have to have a login to SeeSOR! The person filling out the form can see checklist items with scoring instructions, as well as add attachments and comments as needed.  Once the Customer Feedback form (Inspection Plan) has been filled out, all data is treated the same as a regular Inspection Result.  The results from these plans will generate email alerts, and Corrective Actions can also be raised from them. This is a great way to collect feedback for your contracts that require you to do so or it can even build a better relationship with your Customer as you demonstrate the desire to

Improving Your Bottom Line Through Collaboration

Welcome to the third of this 3-part series about SeeSOR as a Collaboration Tool and the positive outcomes you will achieve when using it together with your Customer: Part 1 of 3 - Improves performance Part 2 of 3 - Builds a true partnership with your Customer Part 3 of 3 - Helps you win work, Contract Recompetes, and New Bids   Part 3 of 3 - Today’s post is about Improving Your Bottom Line Through Collaboration Collaborating in SeeSOR will not only pay for itself but can be a money maker. Modifications, Award Terms & Performance Incentive Fees, Recompetes, and even new Projects can all benefit from collaboration with your Customer in SeeSOR.   Modifications to your Existing Contract. The PWS no longer sits in a file cabinet collecting dust. Now It resides in SeeSOR, and around it, Inspection plans have been built and Inspections performed. The PWS is now a living document and all parties become PWS practitioners and everyone learns which needed services are missing. Since trust ha

Building Partnership through Collaboration

Welcome to the second of this 3-part series about SeeSOR as a Collaboration Tool and the positive outcomes you will achieve when using it together with your Customer: Part 1 of 3 - Improves performance Part 2 of 3 - Builds a true partnership with your Customer Part 3 of 3 - Helps you win work, Contract Recompetes, and New Bids Part 2 of 3 - Today’s post is about Building Partnership through Collaboration True partnership requires a shared objective . For a contractor, that objective is “Profitability.” For a Customer, it is “good service at a reasonable price.” These are mutually exclusive objectives and don’t establish a traditional basis for partnership. So how does collaboration using SeeSOR help create an intersection between Quality and Profitability? It all comes down to common language, trust, shared success, and ownership. Working together in SeeSOR you will have a shared quality Language, which reduces misunderstandings. A sure way to disagree with one another is by speaking

Improving Performance Through Collaboration

Welcome to the first of this 3-part series about SeeSOR as a Collaboration Tool and the positive outcomes you will achieve when using it together with your Customer: Part 1 of 3 - Improves performance Part 2 of 3 - Builds a true partnership with your Customer Part 3 of 3 - Helps you win work, Contract Recompetes, and New Bids Part 1 of 3 - Today’s post is about Improving Performance Through Collaboration Let’s walk through the ways that SeeSOR can improve your performance through Collaboration with your client. SeeSOR’s automation of all back-office activity (scheduling, inspecting, correspondence, and results analysis) means that the time involved to run a top-notch Quality Program is less than that with alternative approaches. An easier Inspection process means more Inspections can be performed with the same effort from your team. The result is more data and better performance trends to share with your client/customer(s). What happens when you include your Customer collaboratively i

Seeing yourself in SeeSOR

Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 8th and Last official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about seeing yourself in SeeSOR. SeeSOR and You Over the last couple of weeks, we have highlighted how you are doing an amazing job by even having Quality on your radar, and how SeeSOR can help you change how your Quality data is collected and used. We’ve discussed why Quality is important, the difference between Quality assurance, and Quality Control, and how SeeSOR allows you to have all your information in one place, meaning your PWS, Inspection Plans, Inspection results, and CARs are no longer stored in different folders, or storing systems. Also how you can share information with customers/clients inside SeeSOR to prove you are doing the work well, and share your CARs for better CPARS at the end of the contract. SeeSOR even helps you win your next contract, with sharing and transparency being an amazing bid discriminator. SeeSOR is the tool you have been loo

SeeSOR - The Proven Difference

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 7th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR - The Proven Difference. SeeSOR’s Background Did you know that SeeSOR was developed in 1997 and has undergone many updates and changes to become the unrivaled QMS software system it is today? This includes a major rewrite from 2015 to 2017 where all the great features from the SeeSOR Desktop and .NET versions were added during construction to a new cloud-based software system with easy-to-navigate screens, customizable/built-in trending data analysis, and real-time dashboards. This rewrite included powerful sorts, filters, and search features based on feedback from Users in the field making SeeSOR a leader in the QMS industry. From the Philippines and Guam to North America and on to Europe, SeeSOR has been used by hundreds of users on contracts for quality management as well as modules for ISO Certification and Safety.  With over 500 users currently working

SeeSOR Sharing Data - Effectively, Efficiently, and in Real-time

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 6th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR Sharing Data - Effectively, Efficiently, and in Real-time How SeeSOR allows you to share data Over the last couple of blog posts, you’ve seen us talk about how you can give your clients/customers access to SeeSOR as you see fit. This gives you a huge advantage with open communication in your quality process. Not only do you have the ability to give them access to your contract quality data, but you also have the ability to give them different editing and reporting privileges in SeeSOR. These privileges range from just having the ability to see the data in SeeSOR, to doing inspections themselves and even raising, answering, and addressing corrective action requests (CARs). Now you and your client/customer have a central respiratory for all things Quality. Also, since version control always seems to be an issue at one point or another; in SeeSOR all data is up

Corrective Actions - The “Ugly” that ain't so “Ugly”

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 5th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR Corrective Actions (CARs) - The “Ugly” that ain't so “Ugly” How SeeSOR changes the game for CARs Let's be honest, most of us don’t like the idea of seeing a corrective action come up on something we are doing, but SeeSOR can help you and even your customer change the way you see CARs from here on out. Finding low inspections while in SeeSOR is easy; you can identify these by looking at our data charts or by sorting and filtering your Inspection Results. Finding these issues to start the change process is what Quality Inspections are all about. Of course, you want to brag when you are doing things correctly, but you also should brag when you find weaknesses you can correct yourself too. ASC wants to help you initiate change and track resolutions/comments about the CAR as it is taking place! SeeSOR helps you not only fix the imperfection but document i

SeeSOR - How Inspection Results Help See the Full Picture of Your Success

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 4th official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR - How Inspection Results help see the full picture of your success. How do Inspection Results Work Writing adequate Inspection Plans in SeeSOR provides you with a quality check like no other. SeeSOR Inspection Results are the product of your findings after you go out in the field, look at the things that need to be inspected, and report back with the results. With this info SeeSOR allows you to track, trend, and even predict quality results.  When you are ready to do a review/inspection you can report findings directly into SeeSOR and you have the ability to save the inspection as “save in progress,” so you can continue to add attachments and comments even after the inspection is initially done. The actual process of doing inspections allows you to document the quality of your contractual requirements that have been performed. Based on frequencies that you s

SeeSOR Inspection Plans - How you are Already Inspecting the Job

  Welcome to our 8-week Series. This is our 3rd official blog post in this series. In this post, we will be talking about SeeSOR Inspection Plans - How you are already inspecting the job. Let’s walk through the SeeSOR inspection plans process   The SeeSOR system allows for detailed inspection plans that are directly written from the requirements listed in the PWS for your contract. Plans are then “weighted” by you based on the relative importance of the PWS requirement. Inspection plans include details on how the requirement/plan should be reviewed for quality (example: was the requirement reported On Time, was it Accurate, and is it Complete?). Frequencies are set in the plan to determine how often the inspection should be performed based on the scoring history for the whole inspection - the better the results, the less often the requirement needs to be inspected! Inspection Plan checklist questions are also weighted because sometimes being accurate is more important than being on t