Improving Your Bottom Line Through Collaboration
Welcome to the third of this 3-part series about SeeSOR as a
Collaboration Tool and the positive outcomes you will achieve when using it
together with your Customer:
Part 1 of 3 - Improves performance
Part 2 of 3 - Builds a true partnership with your Customer
Part 3 of 3 - Helps you win work, Contract Recompetes, and New Bids
Part 3 of 3
- Today’s post is about Improving Your Bottom Line Through Collaboration
in SeeSOR will not only pay for itself but can be a money maker. Modifications,
Award Terms & Performance Incentive Fees, Recompetes, and even new Projects
can all benefit from collaboration with your Customer in SeeSOR.
to your Existing Contract. The PWS no longer sits in a file cabinet collecting
dust. Now It resides in SeeSOR, and around it, Inspection plans have been built
and Inspections performed. The PWS is now a living document and all parties
become PWS practitioners and everyone learns which needed services are missing.
Since trust has grown through joint identification and resolution of issues,
Customers are assured that Performance Standards for new services can be set
and met. Adding needed new work is now simply a budgetary exercise.
Award Terms (AT) and Performance Incentive Fees (PIF). For these contract
types, successful performance is THE driver. With improved performance through
collaboration, winning AT and PIF brings an increase in profits that far
exceeds the cost of SeeSOR.
Recompetes. Shared high performance means your bid, not the Government
Estimate, will be the solution against which other bids are compared during
recompetes. SeeSOR is not just checking the box for quality, it is a proven,
successful system. Your solution is the “best value” benchmark - with
collaborative SeeSOR the customer knows it is getting the whole PWS. Your
actual Inspection resource savings from collaborative SeeSOR will challenge the
credibility of any other bidder whose inspection costs are lower without SeeSOR
- you keep your Customer from going to someone else by ensuring they know
through collaboration they are getting the most “bang-for-their-buck” from you!
Winning New
Contracts on the Strength of the Current One. Collaborative Performance is one
of only a couple of compelling bid discriminators besides Price for new
customers - see “The
One Paragraph SeeSOR Bid Discriminator”. In addition, CPAR scores and
Customer references are persuasive in winning new business. Finally, your
demonstrated 25% Collaborative SeeSOR QMS savings after year 1 can now be in
new bids, giving new Customers a better solution at a lower price.
concludes the series on Collaboration With SeeSOR and how it improves your
performance, your relationship with your Customers, and even your bottom line!
And stay tuned for more posts about SeeSOR in the upcoming months.
Dan Everest
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