Building Partnership through Collaboration

Welcome to the second of this 3-part series about SeeSOR as a Collaboration Tool and the positive outcomes you will achieve when using it together with your Customer:

Part 1 of 3 - Improves performance

Part 2 of 3 - Builds a true partnership with your Customer

Part 3 of 3 - Helps you win work, Contract Recompetes, and New Bids

Part 2 of 3 - Today’s post is about Building Partnership through Collaboration

True partnership requires a shared objective. For a contractor, that objective is “Profitability.” For a Customer, it is “good service at a reasonable price.” These are mutually exclusive objectives and don’t establish a traditional basis for partnership. So how does collaboration using SeeSOR help create an intersection between Quality and Profitability? It all comes down to common language, trust, shared success, and ownership.

Working together in SeeSOR you will have a shared quality Language, which reduces misunderstandings. A sure way to disagree with one another is by speaking different languages. If a  Customer gives a Quality Score of “yellow” while the Contractor has scored themselves an “8 out of 10”, the conversation begins with a misunderstanding. Now a great deal of time must be spent trying to resolve the language issue rather than the potential performance issue. Collaborating in SeeSOR, everyone is on the same page and the energy is focused on identified issues, not different words or scores.

Improved Performance builds credibility and trust. In Week 1 of this series, we talked about the Performance benefits of collaboration with SeeSOR. Quality gets better over time since there are no surprises, there is shared responsibility and no blame, and there are real permanent fixes through Corrective Actions so repeat issues can be avoided. The Customer knows the contractor wishes to maximize profits, but not at the cost of Quality. The contractor knows the Customer has a role in its quality improvement. Neither party is “out to get the other”, which builds trust.

All parties take ownership. From Inspection plan development, inspection results, and corrective action resolutions, collaboration means neither party is imposing its will on the other. Instead, meeting the requirements of the PWS is the shared objective for both parties.

Everyone succeeds with improved performance! Customers are measured too, not just contractors. A successful contractor means the Customer is also doing a great job. Positive shared outcomes are definitely a basis for Partnership! 

Next week I’ll be discussing how Collaboration with your Customer is actually good for your bottom line.

Dan Everest


ASC Group, Inc.

Check out other blogs from this Series:


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