Improving Performance Through Collaboration

Welcome to the first of this 3-part series about SeeSOR as a Collaboration Tool and the positive

outcomes you will achieve when using it together with your Customer:

Part 1 of 3 - Improves performance

Part 2 of 3 - Builds a true partnership with your Customer

Part 3 of 3 - Helps you win work, Contract Recompetes, and New Bids

Part 1 of 3 - Today’s post is about Improving Performance Through Collaboration

Let’s walk through the ways that SeeSOR can improve your performance through Collaboration with your client. SeeSOR’s automation of all back-office activity (scheduling, inspecting, correspondence, and results analysis) means that the time involved to run a top-notch Quality Program is less than that with alternative approaches. An easier Inspection process means more Inspections can be performed with the same effort from your team. The result is more data and better performance trends to share with your client/customer(s).

What happens when you include your Customer collaboratively in SeeSOR, giving them privileges from View-only to the ability to actively participate, including even doing their own Inspections? Not just better data and trends, but with both of you now working together in the common SeeSOR environment, the outcome is internal transparency at all levels.

Thanks to this transparency, both parties are now all about “Find it and fix it” rather than the blame and finger-pointing, which is often seen when customers seek to find problems on their own. 

Now, what about those fixes? They become permanent, not just the “bubble gum and baling wire” variety, which is usually the case when an immediate response is required to a sudden and unexpected Customer complaint, which is most often what happens without collaboration.

By collaborating with SeeSOR, everyone is seeing performance data in a live environment that updates in real-time. There are no surprises. There is responsibility but not blame. And there are real, permanent fixes. In other words, actual improvements are achieved through collaboration.

Next week I’ll be discussing how Collaboration with your Customer builds true Partnerships. Stay tuned for another look into how SeeSOR is a game-changer for building better communication, relationships, and even profits through collaboration.

Dan Everest


ASC Group, Inc.

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